"99" STANDS FOR "UNLIMITED"Established in 2017, with a humble mission is supplying the components to the final product, 99 Gold Data Company operates a business in pre-producing raw materials extracted from Vietnam owned fruits, nuts, herbs & vegetables sector.Our goal is to continuously bring added value to the products as well as expand new demanding markets. Therefore, it helps building 99 Gold Data become a forever growing factory and a prestigious destination of global buyers.
Factory name : 99 GOLD DATA
Factory phone : 0084826304364
Factory address : 99D Street No.8, Truong Thanh ward, Thu Duc city, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Name of CEO : Ms. Kaylin Thi
Factory website : 99golddata.com
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 0084826304364
CEO whatsapp : 0084826304364
labels.modir_forush_name : Ms. Kaylin Thi Ms. Kaylin Thi
Sale manager phone : 0084826304364
Sale manager whatsapp : 0084826304364
Established year : 2017
Factory area : Below 1,000 square meters
Number of Employees : 11-50