Our group has customers in 140 countries, with an annual export volume exceeding 500 millionWe are a professional factory which have more than 20years experience in the OEM and customing of the tablewareWelcome the inquiry around the world
Factory name : Market Union Co., Ltd.
Factory phone : 008613925210204
Factory address : 5-2, No. 18, No. 15, Building 4, West District, New Materials Innovation Center, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Name of CEO : Ms. Andy Wen
Factory website : mugroup.com.cn
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 008613925210204
CEO whatsapp : 008613925210204
labels.modir_forush_name : Ms. Andy Wen Ms. Andy Wen
Sale manager phone : 008613925210204
Sale manager whatsapp : 008613925210204
Established year : 2003
Factory area : ...
Number of Employees : Above 1000 People