Our company's aim is: value for money, easy to buy. Has its own factory, the production capacity of bottles is 50,000 to 70,000 per day, we have more than ten years of experience, there are 5 professional technicians, we can do all the processes, we have many products in stock, mainly for Europe and America Market, I hope that all customers who purchase from our company will be satisfied
Factory name : Hebei Weitao Trade Co., Ltd.
Factory phone : 9876543
Factory address : 4-2-1504, Ruifu Community, 29 Tanggu East Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
Name of CEO : Ms. Belle Jiao
Factory website : hbweitao.en.com
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 9876543
CEO whatsapp : 9876543
labels.modir_forush_name : Ms. Belle Jiao Ms. Belle Jiao
Sale manager phone : 9876543
Sale manager whatsapp : 9876543
Established year : 2020
Factory area : 5000
Number of Employees : 11 - 50 People