CV Kala Concept is a furniture manufacturing company located in the center of the furniture industry, in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. CV Kala Concept is a company designed to grow and develop to produce the best quality furniture products in terms of material and design.CV Kala Concept has a strong commitment to provide the best products and services. Continuity of cooperation with the customer is the main goal that gets support from all lines of the company's business. With optimal performance, CV Kala Concept has high competitiveness in facing dynamic world market situations. Supported by experience, knowledge and resource capabilities, making business opportunities and agreements offered to customers have added value that is not owned by other companies
Factory name : CV. KALA CONCEPT
Factory phone : 56234923
Factory address : Taman Siswa Street, Jepara, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Name of CEO : Mr. Kala Concept
Factory website :
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 56234923
CEO whatsapp : 56234923
labels.modir_forush_name : Mr. Kala Concept Mr. Kala Concept
Sale manager phone : 56234923
Sale manager whatsapp : 56234923
Established year : 2021
Factory area : 1000
Number of Employees : 51-100