About DKFrom the love of drums, we create the DK ."Only design the drummer need"is our original creed. We are differenct from other factory, that is we trade high of the vocie,we have our method to control the drum shell voice. We exchange technical exchanges with Asian and Eourpean drummer in long-term, it enables us to improve constantly, so that can achieve the needs of the drummer.We will make low quality drums, because of our most basic principle is to provide a good voice to drummer.We dedicated to being the drum company you want to play for and we will continue to bulid drums that sound better, look better and demand to be heard every night,at every sound check and every crucial show!
Factory name : Tianjin Top Cool Musical Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Factory phone : 86532976
Factory address : No. 17, Fuju Road, Plastic Products Industry Zone, Tianjin, China
Name of CEO : Ms. Fong Regina
Factory website : dkdrum.com
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 86532976
CEO whatsapp : 86532976
labels.modir_forush_name : Ms. Fong Regina Ms. Fong Regina
Sale manager phone : 86532976
Sale manager whatsapp : 86532976
Established year : 2012
Factory area : 1000-3000
Number of Employees : 101-200