Established in 2013, Yiwu Qinju Bags do business in this file almost 7 years. We only deal with wholesale, don't do selling direct online. We are able to offer you our quality products at highly competitive price. We endeavour to develop strong, long-lasting business relationships with our customers through careful consideration of their individual needs.
Factory name : Yiwu Qingju Bag Co., Ltd.
Factory phone : 123456789
Factory address : Second Floor, No. 520, Suxi Avenue, Suxi Town, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China
Name of CEO : Mr. Nick Lau
Factory website :
Factory registration number : 1
CEO phone : 1234567889
CEO whatsapp : 12345678
labels.modir_forush_name : Nick Lau
Sale manager phone : 12265965263
Sale manager whatsapp : 2165546513
Established year : 2018
Factory area : Zhejiang, China
Number of Employees : 11 - 50 People